Special Events

Hospice SLO County is a local 501c3, non-medical, volunteer hospice and community grief center providing support for SLO County residents experiencing the impact of a life limiting illness or grieving the death of a loved one.

Since 1977, Hospice SLO County has provided support through grief counseling, respite care, support groups, community outreach, education, and resources. As a volunteer hospice organization, all Hospice SLO County services are provided free of charge.

Your donations to our events can be tax-deductible; our Non-Profit Federal Tax I.D. No. is #95-3195126.

Current Events

May is Global Employee Health & Fitness Month.

The goal is to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through worksite health promotion activities.

All sponsors may use our toolkit for a positive employee experience.

5th Annual Walk for Healing Challenge

  • Registration Opens: Thursday, May 1
  • Walk Begins: Thursday, May 15
  • Walk Ends: Thursday, June 26

Past Events

For 39 years, Hospice SLO County's Light Up A Life season has offered special ceremonies at locations throughout San Luis Obispo County for the remembrance of loved ones who are no longer present but certainly not forgotten. The lantern symbolizes light as we are guided through life's darker times and illumination of love and remembrance.

Watch Recording

Thank you for 6 amazing weeks of healing! Hospice SLO County is extremely grateful for the tremendous support of our 4th Annual Walk for Healing Challenge that raised over $30,000! 57 participants logged 5,733 miles between April 29 and June 9, 2024! There was participation throughout California and in Missouri and New Jersey!

Sponsors included Upright Health; Avila Traffic Safety; SESLOC Credit Union; Ace Certified Tree Care; Arroyo Grande Rotary; Foronjy Financial; Idler’s Home; Radiology Associates; Rick Robbiano; Elder Placement Professionals; and Whittle Fire Protection.

The lantern symbolizes light as we are guided through life’s journey. We use the symbolism of the lantern to represent the light of the individuals who have been special in our lives. The illumination, warmth, and glow provided by the candles giving light to the lanterns symbolize the influence these individuals have had on who we are today.

View the Remembrance Books