Remembering our Loved Ones

Remembering our Loved Ones

The lantern symbolizes light as we are guided through life’s journey. We use the symbolism of the lantern to represent the light of the individuals who have been special in our lives. The illumination, warmth, and glow provided by the candles giving light to the lanterns symbolize the influence these individuals have had on who we are today.

Grief is a natural, necessary, and universal process and yet everyone experiences their lives and losses differently. Anyone we grieve has touched our life in some way, - memories shared, and lessons learned – presenting the opportunity for growth which comes through that relationship. It’s through our feelings that we find meaning in even the most difficult of losses and it is how we keep loved ones close to our hearts.

Each year names are entered in our Remembrance Book. Some names are in memory of a loved one who has passed on. Some are in honor of a loved who is still living. And some of the names are of beloved pets. The books are stored at the Rupe Center in downtown SLO and we are in the process of digitally converting them for viewing here.


View the IN MEMORY 2023 Remembrance Book View the IN HONOR 2023 Remembrance Book View the PETS 2023 Remembrance Book Watch the Recorded the 2023 Light Up a Life Ceremony


View the IN MEMORY 2022 Remembrance Book View the IN HONOR 2022 Remembrance Book View the PETS 2022 Remembrance Book Watch the Recorded the 2022 Light Up a Life Ceremony


View the IN MEMORY 2021 Remembrance Book View the IN HONOR 2021 Remembrance Book View the PETS 2021 Remembrance Book Watch the Recorded the 2021 Light Up a Life Ceremony Watch the Recorded 2021 “Paws to Remember” Pet Ceremony"


View the IN MEMORY 2020 Remembrance Book View the IN HONOR 2020 Remembrance Book View the PETS 2020 Remembrance Book Watch the Recorded the Light Up a Life Ceremony Watch the Recorded “Paws to Remember” Pet Ceremony"