Light Up A Life 2023

Event Details:
During the holiday season, lights will shine at five Hospice SLO County Remembrance Ceremonies. Each one will include music, an inspirational message, poetry, the reading of names, and the lighting of candles.
You are invited to make a $25 donation and receive a lantern in memory of a loved one. Your loved one’s name will be read at the Light up a Life ceremony of your choice and entered in the Hospice SLO County Memorial Book.
With your donation, your Light up a Life lantern ornament will be mailed to you to keep or to send to the family of the person you are remembering. Scholarships are available if the donation is a hardship. Please call our office for information.
All proceeds from Light Up A Life will go towards funding our direct services.
The following ceremonies are free to attend.
SAN LUIS OBISPO,Tuesday, Nov. 28, 6 PM, Mission San Luis Obispo, 751 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, In-person, live-streamed & recorded
SOUTH COUNTY,Thursday, Nov 30, 6 PM, Heritage Square Park & Gazebo, 201 Nelson St, Arroyo Grande, In-person only
COASTAL COMMUNITIES,Tuesday, Dec 5, 6 PM, St Peter's by the Sea Episcopal Church, 545 Shasta Ave, Morro Bay, In-person only
NORTH COUNTY,Wednesday, Dec 13, 6 PM, Pavilion on the Lake, 9315 Pismo Ave, Atascadero, In-person only
PAWS TO REMEMBER,Wednesday, Dec 6, 6 PM, Hospice SLO County office, 1304 Pacific St, San Luis Obispo, In-person only