More Than End-of-Life Care: Hospice SLO County Helps Gloria Live Life to the Fullest at 95

Gloria* is a 95-year-old woman who lives independently in a small house by the coast. Her dog is her constant companion, and her daughter Angie* lives nearby.

Initially, Angie was concerned that working with Hospice SLO County meant her mother was dying, but this was not the case. Our Volunteer Services Manager explained that since Hospice SLO County is non-medical and volunteer-based, we could support Gloria with companionship and socialization and assign a Pet Peace of Mind volunteer to help her care for her dog.

Angie and Gloria met with our Volunteer Services Manager and Care Manager at Gloria's house, and Angie learned that there was a lot of other community support available. Gloria enjoyed her volunteer, who noticed that she worried about forgetting things and that her memory might be failing.

Our Care Manager reached out to Angie again and arranged for regular care management observations, letting Angie know that she could seek help for her mother on her own.

Gloria had a great time socializing and started feeling more energetic. She decided that she wanted to receive phone counseling to address some unresolved grief from the past and began working with a grief counselor one-on-one. Both Angie and Gloria are continually grateful that all of this support is free of charge.

*Client names and photos changed to preserve their privacy.