Bingo Bonanza Raffle & Silent Auction

Bingo Bonanza Updates:
We have made the sad decision to cancel the in-person Bingo Bonanza event at the SLO Vets Hall on July 18, 2020. We hope to see you all in person next year!
But there is good news!!! All ticket holders will be automatically entered into our Ticket Holder Raffle and the Silent Auction has been moved online.
Ticket Holder Raffle
Everyone who purchased a ticket will be placed in a raffle to win one of the Big 10 Bingo Baskets!
These are the prizes that would have been awarded to the ten “Bingo” winners at the event and are each worth over $300. This raffle is limited to current ticket holders only! All ticket holders have been notified by email. If you have not received notification, please contact Susan Olson at 805-544-2266 or [email protected] for instructions.
The Big 10 Bingo Basket drawing will take place on Monday, June 29 at 7PM on Facebook Live. Follow the link on our website to watch. You do not have to tune in to win.
All winners will be notified on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 by email and a pick-up reservation will be made. All winners will drive through Hospice SLO’s back parking lot and we will deposit your basket in your car without physical contact.
Watch Ticket Holder Raffle Drawing on 6/29/2020 at 7:00pm Ticket Holder Raffle Basket Photos Ticket Holder Raffle Basket Descriptions
Bingo Bonanza Silent Auction Goes Online!
The Silent Auction scheduled to be held at the in-person Bingo Bonanza event will still take place online from June 22 - June 29. There are over 100 items of varying values from $17 - $600. All who donated to the silent auction have been called and all gift certificates in the auction will be honored with flexible expiration dates. There are gift certificates to your favorite restaurants and stores, art work, wine tastings, gift baskets, home décor, cases of wine, accessories, memberships and more!
You will need an email address to participate and you pay for your item directly on the secure auction site with your credit card. The auction site deposits your payment directly into Hospice SLO County’s bank account. Winning items will either be mailed or will need to be picked up depending on size. We can do a non-contact, scheduled pick up in our back parking lot.
Those who choose “Buy Now” will be notified immediately about delivery or pick up. All others will be notified on Tuesday, June 30 if they had the winning bid.
The public is invited to participate in the silent auction and we encourage you to spread the word in order to help Hospice SLO County recoup financial losses from the cancelled event.