Why I volunteer by Vicki Shafer

Hospice Threshold Singers has been a saving grace in my life. My late husband received amazing care from a Hospice organization 6 years ago. After his passing, I wanted to get involved in the Hospice community in some way to give back what had been given to us during his last 6 months. When I read an ad for Hospice Threshold Singers in San Luis Obispo not far from my house, I was ecstatic. To sing with a group of singers devoted to easing the end of life for others-what could be better. The group continues to grow under Ruth Baile’s compassionate, encouraging, committed leadership giving all of us a chance to sing at the bedside of people and pets on the threshold of their lives. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity not only for my own healing, but for the chance to give the gift of song to others in their last months or weeks.
February 10, 2020