One Call Made All the Difference

Roger is a Veteran who also worked in law enforcement. An injury on the job set him up for a life of chronic pain and a series of life-limiting illnesses, including kidney failure. His wife Andrea has been caring for him by herself but began to feel exhausted with little time to run errands, get her hair cut, or even attend to her own medical needs.
One of the local Palliative care agencies encouraged Andrea to call Hospice SLO County to see about in-home volunteers and our care management program. Our care manager was able to help Andrea connect to other area services. A local Veteran’s service club came to the home and built a wheelchair ramp for Roger free of charge. The club also arranged for a caregiving grant and helped them apply for VA benefits. Hospice SLO County provided the family with 4 hours of respite care every week provided by an in-home volunteer.
Roger is often too tired to read and is happy to have our volunteer read his favorite aviation magazines to him. Andrea was able to get her hair cut without interruption for the first time in a few years. Andrea joined our weekly Zoom caregiver support group to get advice and support from other caregivers. Our care manager calls her monthly to help support her in her caregiving activities and make sure other agencies are following up with their services.
Roger and Andrea can’t get over that one call set in motion a web of support that has cost them nothing which is helpful because long-term medical costs have left them financially vulnerable.
All of these services are funded by our loyal donors.