Longtime client…
Your dedicated donors help people like Faith, a widow, who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia several years back. Faith has a long time Hospice SLO County in-home volunteer who helps her 4 hours per week and also a Pet Peace of Mind volunteer allowing her to keep her dog. Because she has complicated care needs, she also receives Care Management services from Hospice SLO County.
Unfortunately, Faith's care needs have quickly increased. Her doctor was not responsive to her repeated requests for an appointment to understand why she had been getting suddenly weaker. Her volunteer was able to communicate quickly to our Care Manager about her emerging health needs and we got her to the hospital for care.
Once she was stabilized, she was able to go home but still needed extra support. Our Care Manager was able to find her a doctor who could come to the home and also coordinated with him and Faith’s neurologist to work with her Medi-Cal social worker to get Faith more hours of care. We communicated with her out of town family and kept them updated through this all until they were able to come out to be with her.
Faith has been our client for nearly four years and we continue to serve her and continue to coordinate with her healthcare providers, family, and community to make sure she is able to live at home safely.