Hospice SLO County's grief counseling is helping me cope with the progression of my Parkinson's Disease
Ron was referred to Hospice SLO County for companionship and practical assistance because his Parkinson’s disease was causing an increase in tremors and weakness.
Ron’s son lives on the east coast and visits frequently but became worried that his dad needed more assistance. Our Care Manager did an in-home assessment with Ron and presented options for help from our agency and the community. If a client’s needs are not part of our services, our Care Manager can find alternate agencies to help.
Ron decided that although he liked the idea of an in-home volunteer, he specifically wanted to work with a counselor first to address the grief he was feeling about his physical decline. At Hospice SLO County, our grief counseling is available to support individuals with a life-limiting illness and their loved ones, at any time after diagnosis. Our Director of Counseling reviewed the information and connected Ron with a counselor.
Telephonic counseling works best for Ron right now, but he also has the option of face-to-face appointments. Ron is still deciding if he wants a volunteer in his home. Ultimately, this volunteer could transport Ron to the face-to-face grief counseling, other medical appointments, and outings. In the meantime, our Counseling Department and Care Manager are working with Ron and his son to coordinate community resources and create a care plan. Ron and his son are no longer alone.