Virtual Talk and Tour of the life and homes of the reclusive copper heiress Huguette Clark & her eccentric family in photos, audio, and video. Followed by a Q&A with author, Bill Dedman.

This event is FREE TO THE PUBLIC to attend.
In Empty Mansions, Bill Dedman unravels a mystery of wealth and loss. Meet W.A. Clark, the second wealthiest American of his time, a copper king, founder of Las Vegas, and controversial U.S. senator. His shy second wife, Anna, 39 years his junior. And his daughter Huguette, who held a ticket for the Titanic and was still living in New York City on 9/11. While Huguete owned palatial homes in California, New York, and Connecticut, she lived her last twenty years in a simple hospital room - despite being in excellent health.
If Huguette had been better advised, she would not have wasted $25 million on legal fees, and her charitable wishes would have been more successfully fulfilled.
Huguette's life story is extreme, but it holds lessons for us all.
The virtual tour includes an exclusive look at Bellosguardo, Huguette's Santa Barbara mansion, that has not been visited or lived in since 1951, but remains fully staffed.
Bill Dedman co-wrote Empty Mansions with Clark's cousin, Paul Clark Newell, Jr. Empty Mansions debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times bestsellers list in 2013. A TV series based on Empty Mansions is under development.
Registration is required for the Zoom link and the opportunity to purchase personalized autographed copies of Empty Mansions ($22 each including shipping)