Veteran's Daughter Finds Support Through Hospice SLO County's Caregiver Services

Ray*, a Korean War Veteran, was living independently until he suffered a stroke. After his hospitalization and rehabilitation, he couldn't maintain his previous level of independence. His daughter, Carrie*, left her career behind and relocated to the county to become Ray's primary caregiver, serving as his official VA Aid and Attendance caregiver. However, Carrie soon realized she needed assistance and respite to provide the best care for her father while also taking care of herself.
Following their home health nurse referral, Carrie contacted Hospice SLO County. She connected with our Care Manager, who helped develop a comprehensive plan and identified resources to address Ray's evolving needs. Additionally, a kind volunteer was matched with Ray, providing weekly visits that allowed Carrie much-needed breaks from her caregiving responsibilities. They also received support and visitation from other veteran groups in the area.
Recognizing the emotional toll of caregiving, Carrie has accessed individual counseling for grief and loss through Hospice SLO County. She also attends our weekly online family caregiver support group, finding solace and strength in the shared experiences of others on similar journeys.
Carrie is immensely grateful for the invaluable assistance Hospice SLO County has provided during this challenging time. This has enabled her to care for her father while also prioritizing her own well-being.
*Client names and photos changed to preserve their privacy.