Hospice SLO County’s Volunteer Support Helps a Prolific Artist Regain His Health and Independence

Charles* was once a prolific artist in his community. However, after being hit by COVID and other chronic health issues, he started to notice that important things in his life were slipping away, and he wasn't eating regularly.

Upon realizing his condition, his home health nurse referred him to Hospice SLO County. Our Volunteer Manager arranged a meeting with Charles and our Care Manager. After discussing his situation, Charles agreed that an in-home volunteer could help with essential tasks such as organizing, running errands, and meal preparation.

Since Charles' daughter Rebecca was living out of town, and Charles often downplayed his needs, our Care Manager helped him set up free daily meal delivery through Meals That Connect. Charles' in-home volunteer helped him with banking, going to the DMV, grocery shopping, and some simple home organization.

Unfortunately, Charles had a medical emergency that required surgery. Our Care Manager coordinated with Rebecca and Charles' doctors to arrange post-surgery care and assistance at home. Charles also developed depression, and we were able to arrange depression screening and counseling services with community agencies we collaborate with.

After a few weeks, Charles began feeling much better. He is grateful for the support and assistance he receives from Hospice SLO County. Rebecca is also thankful that people are looking after her dad and that she has a point of contact when she needs help with her dad.

*Client names and photos changed to preserve their privacy.