
Hospice staff and volunteers offer diverse educational presentations and workshops to community members and health professionals.

Our heart is a drum; it beats with a natural rhythm of life… Open your heart and connect with your body during our monthly drum circle at Hospice SLO County. When we drum together, we embrace community and escape isolation. Drumming can relieve stress, release tension and provide an outlet for anxiety.

Join the conversation... Death Cafes are offered all over the world, providing individuals the opportunity to talk openly about dying and death. These casual gatherings aim to "increase awareness of death while helping people make the most of their (finite) lives."

A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session. We invite community members to join a relaxed, non-judgmental group discussion about topics related to the inevitability of death. There is no intention of leading participants to any particular conclusion, product or course of action.

Registration is required to receive Zoom link.

No cost to attend, however donations always gratefully accepted.

For more information call (805) 544-2266